New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally. 新行业所需的技术工人在当地是找不到的。
Finally, it would find it hard to raise taxes far above levels in the rest of the UK without triggering a flight of capital and skilled labour. 最终,它会发现很难在不引发资本和熟练劳动力外流的情况下,将税收上调至远高于英国其他地区的水平。
This cost efficient and highly skilled labour force has played a crucial role in the success of our export driven economies. 这些具备成本效益和纯熟技术的劳动力,对我们以出口带动的经济体系的成功,起着关键作用。
Reliance has struggled to recruit experienced oil specialists amid a shortage of skilled labour. 由于熟练工人短缺,信实工业难以招聘到经验丰富的石油专家。
Taiwanese investment comprises little more than an ailing industrial park-partly because skilled labour is short. 台湾的投资也大多集中在一个工业园,现已每况愈下,部分是因为缺乏技术熟练的劳工。
Skilled labour and unskilled labour 熟练劳动与非熟练劳动
The demand for skilled labour in the building industry is high. 建筑行业对熟练工人的需求量很大。
The automobile industry requires skilled labour. 汽车工业要求高技术的劳动力(工人)。
The report says that immigration changes the relative supply of factors such as unskilled labour, skilled labour and capital in the economy. 该报告表示,移民改变了这个经济体中低技能劳动力、高技能劳动力和资金等因素的相对供应量。
Local producers would see production costs rise as they climb the value chain, he said, including rising wages for skilled labour. 他表示,随着本地生产商在价值链上的位置上移,包括熟练工人的工资不断增长,它们的成本将有所上升。
The integration of nations such as China and India into it is the equivalent of multiplying several-fold the amount of unskilled labour relative to the supply of skilled labour and capital. 中国和印度等国家的融入,相当于增加了几倍于熟练劳动力和资本的非熟练劳动力。
There are lot of countries that respect copyrights and offer skilled labour to set up manufacturing base. 还是有很多国家尊重版权,并给技工提供高薪以建立制造业基础。
Like India, the Philippines has an excess of skilled labour, and currently sees advantages in sending them abroad – but on a temporary basis. 和印度一样,菲律宾现在也存在技术工人过剩并且希望把他们派往国外,但这只是一种短期情形。
He adds that the transition cannot happen unless China nurtures and develops a pool of skilled labour, which can help it raise its status from that of low-cost manufacturing base. 他补充道,除非中国培育并发展了一批技能熟练的劳动力,否则这一转型无法出现。这些劳动力可以帮助中国超越其低成本制造业基地的地位。
Increasingly, an educated and skilled labour force is in tight supply the world over. 在全球范围内,受过教育且技术熟练的劳动力日益紧缺。
This is mainly due to rising prices for inputs, such as diesel, coke and explosives, and shortages of skilled labour. 这主要是因为柴油、焦炭和炸药等生产资料的价格不断上涨,且高技能劳动力出现短缺。
Unlike the developed economies, most major emerging economies do face rising wages and income growth due to a shortage of skilled labour. 不同于发达的经济体,大部分主要的新兴经济体正面临由于技术劳工短缺造成的工资上涨和收入增长。
The challenge of managing such growth amid worsening shortages of skilled labour has moved human resources to the centre of corporate strategy. 在熟练劳动力短缺状况日益严重的情况下,管理这种增长所带来的挑战,已将人力资源带到了企业战略的核心位置。
The use of less skilled labour for numerical classification is a real possible advantage. 数值分类需要较少的专门技术,这真正是一个潜在的优点。
Some components would have to be bought in and we should have to recruit some skilled labour for the machine operations and semi-skilled workers for the assembly. 有些组件得去买进,还得招聘一些操作机器的技术工人和干装配活的半技术工。
In the 1980s it was often assumed that the developing world would get the poor-quality, grunt jobs and the West would reserve for itself higher-quality skilled labour. 上世纪80年代,人们常常会认为,发展中国家将得到低质量的下等工作,而西方国家会把更高质量的技术工作留给自己。
One way to boost the skilled labour force might be to have rather more people working rather fewer hours. 让更多的人参与工作,而减少工作时间,可能是增加技术工人的一条途径。
Finally, the country must remain open to immigration of highly skilled labour. 最后,英国必须向高技能移民保持开放。
By and large, the production of higher-value-added goods is likely to remain concentrated in well-established manufacturing hubs to take advantage of better distribution networks, supply chains and access to skilled labour. 大体上讲,高附加值商品的生产可能仍将集中在老牌制造业中心,以利用当地更完善的经销网络、供应链和技术熟练的工人。
Many complain of a lack of credit and skilled labour. 许多中小企业还抱怨,缺少信贷支持和熟练劳动力。
The shortage of skilled labour is often a serious industrial bottleneck. 技术工人的缺乏经常是工业发展的严重障碍。
Macao construction workers retort that they are caught in a squeeze between unskilled workers imported from mainland China, who are willing to take much lower wages, and higher-paid skilled labour from Hong Kong. 澳门建筑工人反驳道,来自中国内地的非熟练工人愿意接受低得多的工资,而来自香港的熟练工人薪资更高,他们则被挤在两者之间。
Additional policies could promote an enabling environment for industrial development, motivate and retain a skilled labour force, and ensure long-term political stability and good governance. 额外的政策可能推广促进工业发展、激励和留住有技能的劳动力以及确保长期政治稳定性和良好治理的环境。
Skilled labour shortages extend far beyond the relatively new professions of it and it-enabled services. 熟练劳动力的短缺,远远不仅限于一些相对较新的职业,如it业和由it带动的服务业。